Oct 23, 2013

How many element of computer System?

    How many element of computer System?
Answer: There are for elements of computer system---
They are – (1) Hardware (2) Software (3) Data (4) User/ Human ware.
(1) Hardware: Which Elements we can see and touch is called hardware. It is three types—
(a) Input Device (b) Processing Unit (c) Output device
(2) Software: Which Elements we can see but untouchable is called software. It is the life of Hardware.    It is two types:-- (a) System software. (b) Application software.
(3) Data: Every small parts of information is called data. It is two types (a) Numeric data. (b) Non- Numeric data or Alphabetic data.
(4) User/ Human ware: The person or a group who design program and use computer is called user/ Human ware. It is three types- - (a) Computer Ana list. (b) Programmer. (c) Computer Operator.