Feb 26, 2014

Write down about keyboard?

Write down about keyboard?

 Answer: Keyboard:- It is a common input device. It is used for writing text and some function. It has five parts. They are –
(1)    Function key pad.
(2)    Text key pad.
(3)    Control key pad.
(4)    Movement key pad.
(5)    Numeric key pad.

Feb 17, 2014

Write down about MS-DOS and Windows-XP?

1***Write down about MS-DOS and Windows-XP?
 MS Dos:- Full form of MS-DOS is “ Microsoft Disk Operating System” It is a extra based Operating System. It was used for Personal Computer. It is the most common Disk Operating System form Microsoft.

Windows-XP:- Full form of V Windows-XP is “Windows Experience.” It is manufactured by Microsoft. It is First Released on 24 august 200.

Feb 14, 2014

Write the difference between text base Operating System and picture base Operating System?

1  Write the difference between text base Operating System and picture base Operating System?
Text base Operating System

Picture base Operating System
Commands are given by writing

Commands are given by different icon and logo.
Key board is used

Key board and muse in used.
It is necessary to memorize all the commands.

It is not so.
Multimedia not use.

Multimedia used.
Internet is not available

Internet is available
Example: DOS, PC DOS etc.

Example: Windows XP, Windows  7 etc.

Feb 11, 2014

Write about Picture based Operating System?

  Write about Picture based Operating System?

                Answer: By which Operating System commends are given by different 
                icon   and  logo by key board and mouse is called picture based Operating       System.
               Example: Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 8 etc.

Feb 9, 2014

Write about text base Operating System?

1    **Write about text base Operating System?
Answer: Text base Operating System: In which Operating System commands are given by working text by key board is text base Operating System.
Example: MS DOS, PC DOS UNIX etc.

Feb 7, 2014

Write down the function of Operating System?

         Write down the function of Operating System?
Answer: the activities / Function/ features of Operating System:
1.     Control the input and output device.
2.     Control the primary and secondary memory.
3.     Control the electricity.
4.     Take an input and output and output device process it.
5.     Make a relation between user and hardware.
          6. Give internet facilities etc.

Feb 1, 2014

Classify Operating System?

1  Classify Operating System?
Answer: By user necessity. It is eight types.
(i)                Batch processing Operating System.
(ii)             Real time Operating System.
(iii)           Multi processing Operating System.
(iv)           Multi programming Operating System.
(v)             Virtual storage Operating System.
(vi)           Distributed Operating System.
           (vii)     On-Line Operating System.